
The grass-roots party organizations of Tongwei Group have carried out a series of themed party building activities



Recently, the grass-roots party organizations of Tongwei Group have carried out activities such as red research and study, discipline learning, watching red movies, and unpaid blood donation to enrich the forms of party building activities, stimulate organizational vitality, and further promote the in-depth and practical development of party building work.

1. Party Committee of Yongxiang Co., Ltd.

Carry out the themed research and study activity of "Red Research and Study Reflecting the Original Intention, Guarding against Arrogance and Impetuosity to Survive the Cold Winter".

From July 12th to 13th, the Party Committee of Yongxiang Co., Ltd. carried out a two-day red culture research and study activity. With the theme of "Red Research and Study Reflecting the Original Intention, Guarding against Arrogance and Impetuosity to Survive the Cold Winter", they went to Chongqing and visited places such as Zhazi Cave, Bai Mansion, Red Rock Memorial Hall, Liberation Monument, and Zhou Enlai's Residence, listened to the deeds of martyrs, and comprehended the "Red Rock Spirit". Li Bin, secretary of the Party Committee of Yongxiang Co., Ltd., attended the activity, and 26 party member cadres participated in the activity.


Visit site

In Zhazi Cave and Bai Mansion, party member cadres learned that during the War of Liberation, the Communists imprisoned here, facing the choice between life and death, freedom and imprisonment, overcame the torture of the enemy's cruel punishment with firm beliefs. At the last moment of their lives, they were calm and imposing, fully demonstrating their unshakable ideals and beliefs and unyielding noble spirits. Secretary Li Bin mentioned that the Communists imprisoned here endured various tortures but remained unyielding and would rather die than yield, condensing into the "Red Rock Spirit". This revolutionary spirit of loyalty to the Party is just like our current engagement in the photovoltaic industry. No matter how great the challenges and difficulties we face, we always remain firm and never forget our original intention.

In Zhou Enlai's Residence and Guiyuan, listening to sections of explanations, looking at pictures, and admiring physical objects, party member cadres felt as if they had found the key to opening the door of history, leading them to review the difficult journey that the Party has gone through. Secretary Li Bin said that in the new era, carrying forward the "Red Rock Spirit" and continuing the red bloodline, as long as we firmly believe in victory, carry forward the spirit of struggle, and enhance skills, we will definitely be able to inspire an invincible powerful force and overcome various risks and challenges on the way forward. Secretary Li Bin required the party member cadres present to never forget the glorious suffering of yesterday, live up to today's mission and responsibility, and not let down tomorrow's great dream. When the photovoltaic industry is facing a cold winter, we should be fearless of difficulties, guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and contribute our own strength to the company's survival of the cold winter.


Group photo

This research and study activity not only conveyed the greatness and loftiness of the "Red Rock Spirit" to the party member cadres of the Party Committee of Yongxiang Co., Ltd., but also inspired everyone's firm belief in working hard for the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. In the future, the party member cadres of Yongxiang Co., Ltd. will take this precious spiritual wealth, continuously consolidate their professional skills, and grow into Yongxiang people with responsibility, action, and an innovative spirit.

2. Party Branch of Tongwei Green Base Materials (Guangyuan) Co., Ltd.

Carry out the themed party building activity of "Adhering to the Original Intention, Discipline in My Heart".

To strengthen the party spirit cultivation of party members, consolidate the ideological foundation, and strengthen discipline consciousness, recently, the Party branch of Tongwei Green Materials (Guangyuan) carried out the themed party building activity of "Adhering to the Original Intention, Discipline in My Heart".


Learning site

The activity first conveyed the instructions of the superior party organization, requiring branch party members to deeply understand, continuously integrate in work and life, and apply it in practice. Subsequently, all party members deeply studied the "Regulations on Disciplinary Punishments of the Communist Party of China" and watched the anti-corruption warning education film "Inspection Sword", guiding everyone to deeply understand the significance of discipline education, always remember their party member identity, enhance discipline awareness, and maintain their own advanced nature and purity.

After the learning, the branch party members concentrated on going to the anti-corruption education base of the Red Army Ferry in Cangxi County. Through on-site visits and learning about the deeds of revolutionary predecessors, they guided branch party members to adhere to the original intention of party spirit, lead by example, continuously play the vanguard and exemplary role of party members in work, and do a good job in leading.


Group photo

The party member representative said that Cangxi is a heroic land. Tongwei Green Materials (Guangyuan) takes root in Cangxi. As a member of the branch, one should have an unshakable sense of responsibility and a spirit of taking on the responsibility. Strive to participate in the work of project construction and new era construction, and contribute one's professional strength to the development of the times, social progress, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

3. Party Branch of Tonghe New Energy (Jintang) Co., Ltd.

Carry out themed movie viewing activities.

To carry forward the revolutionary spirit and cultivate patriotism, the Party branch of Tonghe New Energy (Jintang) Co., Ltd. jointly carried out themed movie viewing activities with the Party and Mass Work Department of Gaoban Street, Jintang County. More than 50 representatives of party members, league members, and employees participated in the activity.


Movie viewing site

The film watched this time is "The Awakener", the first domestic film about the revolutionary pioneer Guan Xiangying. With the centennial journey of the Communist Party of China as the background and Dalian's history as the main tone, it tells the heroic deeds and lofty spirits of a generation of revolutionary predecessors such as Guan Xiangying. It is a film with both artistic appeal and profound educational significance. The viewers were immersed in it, and the Chinese blood deep inside was slowly awakened.

Watching red movies and recalling the glorious past. Through this movie viewing activity, the viewers jointly comprehended how the revolutionary predecessors awakened the firm belief of the people to resist bravely, fight bravely, and dare to awaken the people not to be slaves, inspiring everyone to bravely shoulder the responsibilities of the times, temper excellent skills, and write a wonderful chapter in life with youth and sweat!


Group photo

In the next step, the Party branch of Tonghe New Energy (Jintang) Co., Ltd. will continue to carry out a variety of educational activities to enrich the political life of party members, promote discipline learning, and gather strength for the company's high-quality development.

4. Party Branch of Tongwei Solar (Hefei) Co., Ltd.

Carry out unpaid blood donation activities.

Recently, the "Pursuing Light Pioneer" of the Party branch of Tongwei Solar Hefei Company carried out an unpaid blood donation activity with the theme of "Devoting Love and Power, Illuminating the Light of Life". The activity received the active response and enthusiastic participation of more than 200 employees of the company, and everyone interpreted the company's social responsibility with practical actions.


Queuing for blood donation

At the activity site, under the professional guidance of medical staff and led by Zhang Ming, the branch secretary, everyone donated blood in an orderly manner. To express gratitude to the blood donors and affirm the employees' positive practice of corporate culture, the company's party branch and superior party committee prepared nutritional products and rewarded 2 points of corporate culture points.

In this activity, the company's party members fully played an exemplary vanguard role, led by example and took the lead in donating blood, and inspired more employees to participate in the public welfare cause of unpaid blood donation with practical actions. The blood donation activity not only reflects the company's care and love for employees' health and lives, but also shows the company's active investment in social public welfare undertakings.

5. Party organizations of Tongwei Food Livestock and Poultry Sector carry out

Themed party building activity of "Always Follow the Party, Build Tongwei Dream Together".

To commemorate the great achievements of revolutionary martyrs and further strengthen the cohesion among employees, on July 11th, the party organizations of Tongwei Food Livestock and Poultry Sector jointly carried out a party building activity with the theme of "Always Follow the Party, Build Tongwei Dream Together" in conjunction with the trade union. Chen Bo, chairman of Tongwei Food, Huang Jinsong, director of human resources of Tongwei Food, Li Tianwen, assistant general manager of Tongwei Food, general manager of Chunyuan Food and Xintaifeng Company, Zhao Jun, deputy general manager of Chunyuan Food, and Qiu Jun, deputy general manager of Xintaifeng attended the activity. A total of 100 people, including department heads and employee representatives, participated in the activity.

The activity was carried out around six links: red song competition, sharing by old party members and veterans,重温入党誓词 (reaffirming the Party oath), party members singing red songs, fun activities, and poetry recitation. In the red song chorus link, the employees of the logistics group and sales group stood on the stage in full spirits, wearing unified camouflage uniforms; party members and veterans had firm eyes and passionate singing, expressing their love for the Party and blessings for the motherland in the singing.

The Tongwei Food Livestock and Poultry Sector has always adhered to the business philosophy of "integrity and unity", and continuously improved product quality and service level in the business process. Through the development of this party building activity, it not only demonstrated the company's strength and charm, but also inspired the enthusiasm and creativity of employees. It is believed that with the joint efforts of all employees, the Tongwei Food Livestock and Poultry Sector will definitely create more brilliant achievements in the development of 2024 and the future!
